Customer Testimonial

We are a small CPA firm and really just wanted something simple that prospective clients could look at to judge our professionalism by.  When picking an accountant one depends a lot on presentation and the website Twin Harbor Web Solutions set us up with portrays us perfectly.  It’s clean, it’s professional, and it was easy to have made. 

Now we compare our website to accounting firms we compete with for clients and are confident in the fact that ours is far superior.

Also, it’s just so EASY!  We got this amazing product and all we had to do was pick out a design and some pictures and provide text.  When we want to update something we don’t have to call a company, try to futz around an automated menu and then go through a process to get our website content updated, we do it ourselves and it’s so simple!  We go onto our website, login, go to the page we want to update, type in it as if it were a word processor, click and drag sections we want to move around, and done.  If we can’t figure something out (which almost never happens because its’ so simple) we call Mike and if he’s not available he gets back to us almost immediately and helps us out. 

Not only does Twin Harbor Web Solutions provide you with a classy, elegant, up-scale, professional website, but it gives you personal attention to get exactly what you want and easily.

, Bildner & Giannasco, LLP